Home > Kreiz Breizh Akademi > The partners
Since its creation in 2003, Kreiz Breizh Akademi has been supported by:
The "Leader +" European programme, Région Bretagne,
Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles,
Conseils Généraux des Côtes d’Armor, du Finistère et du Morbihan.
Master class partnership: ADDM 22, MD 29, l’ADDAV 56 and AMAB.
The training program is based in the Central Brittany region. Rehearsals take place in the towns of Poullaouen, Spézet, St Nicodème, Lanrivain, Glomel, Trémargat, St Hernin, and Mellionec, to name but a few, and in La Grande Boutique (a music, dance and visual arts centre) in Langonnet for the longer sessions.