Home > 1.Drom Association project

1.Drom Association project

DROM: Promoting folk cultures based on oral tradition and modal music.


Drom, the road, is also the one that leads artists on tour and lovers of musical encounters through the world of popular cultures.
The Drom association was created in June 2001 on the initiative of Erik Marchand and Gaby Kerdoncuff in order to create a relay between the stages and productions of Western Europe and popular musicians from other regions of the world. Its purpose is to promote and transmit popular cultures of oral tradition and modal music. Erik Marchand created Kreiz Breizh Akademi to train professional musicians in modal music.

Drom has been registered as a professional training organization since 2010 with DREETS (n°532 20831722) and Qualiopi certified since July 2021.

Today, the actions of the structure relate to:

Professional training :
The course of modal music of learned and popular tradition via the long device Kreiz Breizh Akademi and an offer of certifying training in France and abroad.

Specificity: oral transmission is one of the main bases of Drom’s pedagogy. Participants are required to work without written support.

Transmission and territorial action:
Interventions by musicians specialising in modal music from Brittany and elsewhere with amateur audiences (cultural structures, schools and conservatories, etc.)

The research :
As an international pole of modal music, Drom constitutes a tool for reflection, creation and research on modal music via the organisation of a biannual conference and the animation of a resource pole of modality (pedagogical portal of modal music, audio-visual resources) in collaboration with an international network of musicians and researchers.

The Drom association is supported by the Brittany region,
DRAC Bretagne and local authorities

Drom, a non-profit association, is a training organization registered with the
DREETS No. 532 20831722
Siret 438 378 697 00025
Ape 9001Z / 8559A
Show license n°PLATESV-R-2020-004053

Erik Marchand

Erik Marchand was one of the founders of our association. He is the compass to draw the main directions of Drom.

Team and contacts

Drom is the result of collaboration between a team of employees and a volunteer board of directors.

Association Drom

24 rue de Gasté
29200 Brest
09 65 16 71 21
contact drom-kba.eu

> Contacts

Remerciement photos : Eric Legret